Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Utilize your social media

When it comes to planning and enjoying a wedding, have fun with your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Pinterest. You name it, it's out there. Some brides love a good, old fashioned glossy bridal magazine in their hands. I'll admit, I'm addicted to them just as much as any other girl. However, websites like The Knot and websites for the bridal magazines themselves offer a lot of their content on their sites. It's not the same as ripping pages out and putting them into a binder for future planning, but you can learn a lot about etiquette, planning and timelines that can help.

Sites like Pinterest are never ending sources of ideas and inspiration. From DIY projects to bridesmaid dresses and color palettes, tons of good can come from scrolling through some pages and pinning the ideas to a board or two. Organize away and make a few boards. It'll help once it comes time to hire vendors and pick your dresses with your girls!

The sources and information don't stop once the wedding day is here. Don't be afraid to make a Twitter/Instagram hashtag for your wedding. Put it on your invites or on a sign when guests walk in. Guests love to take photos and with the social media and smartphone era, they take a lot of them. However, without a hashtag, it can be difficult to corral all the photos in one place. Many times, smartphone photos are taking over for the disposable camera idea. Use the hashtag so after the honeymoon, you can have them collected in an easy way and be able to enjoy or scrapbook them.

Also during the wedding, utilize Vine to have guests take quick, easy videos of their crazy dancing or the cake cutting or even guests just enjoying the party! What photos can't show, videos can.

Last but not least, use Facebook openly. With the upcoming ability on Facebook to collaborate on photo albums, you can again get all the photos easy in one place to keep track of for the future.

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